Lo shampoo per la cura dei capelli alla biotina 400ml rinforza e nutre i capelli grazie al suo contenuto di biotina (vitamina B7). Aiuta le ciocche di capelli a sembrare più spesse e più sane, riduce la caduta dei capelli. È un prodotto efficace per la cura dei capelli che aiuta i capelli ad apparire più sani, lucenti e voluminosi.
It is engineered to provide outstanding performance and outstanding protec tion in the most demanding heavy duty diesel engines designed far natural aspirated or turbocharged high-speed. Far the main factors that damage the engine in active-duty high-mileage vehicles, thanks to its improved formula tion, it provides superior protection through effective anti-wear, and anti corrosive properties. it minimizes oil consumption without reducing the constant oil pressure with cutting strength that protects viscosity in all conditions.
it reduces maintenance costs by providing excellent protection in multi-kilometer vehicles operating in active densities.
Detergent dispersant feature prevents deposit formation and provides superior engine protection.
Biotin Haarpflegeshampoo 400 ml stärkt und pflegt das Haar dank seines Biotin (Vitamin B7)-Gehalts. Lässt Haarsträhnen dicker und gesünder aussehen und reduziert Haarausfall. Es ist ein wirksames Haarpflegeprodukt, das dazu beiträgt, dass das Haar gesünder, glänzender und voluminöser aussieht.